How You can Help Us.

The success of our Mission depends heavily on your volunteerism and financial donations.

The TagHeart Foundation donating much needed Medical supplies to Marlie Mount Primary and Infant School in Jamaica.

Dr Odette Thomas

President/Executive Director​

We Educate

We provide teachers with educational material highlighting healthy living tips and healthy diet options.

We Help​

We provide on-site screening of blood pressure, blood sugar, and body mass index with an
emphasis on preventative care.

We Donate​

We donate much-needed medical supplies to teachers and students, specifically First Aid Kits, Hand Sanitizers, Blood Pressure Machines, and other medical items.

donate to OUR CAUSES​

Give a little and Make a big Difference​

Partner with us by volunteering your time and expertise at our health fairs
Donate medical supplies such as Blood Pressure Machines, First Aid Kits, Defibrillators, Blood Sugar Machines, and other medical supplies.
A monetary donation makes a big difference in helping us to fulfill our mission

The TagHeart Foundation is a nonprofit organization operated exclusively for purposes pursuant to section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. All donations are 100 percent tax deductable.

We’re On A Mission for significant changes.